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Reviews Tea Tasting

Teavana Passion Tango Review

January 22, 2017
teavana passion tango loose leaf review

Note: The Teavana Passion Tango has since been discontinued, however a very similar tea is the TAZO Passion Herbal Tea.

Lately I have been drinking a lot of black and green tea variations and was craving something herbal and caffeine free. I had heard about Teavana’s Passion Tango tea and thought it would be right up my alley.

I was looking for a refreshing change from the usual caffeinated teas I had been drinking.

Passion Tango seemed like a good choice: it was herbal, had dried fruit pieces along with lemongrass and blackberry leaves (which are a few of my favorite ingredients I like in flavored tea blends).

Below is a review on Teavana’s Passion Tango where I’ll go into detail and share my thoughts on the tea. Continue Reading

Tea Tasting

Teavana White Chocolate Peppermint – A Delicious Tea Review

January 3, 2016
teavana white chocolate peppermint

Over the holiday season while I was out doing some Christmas shopping, I happened to walk by a Teavana store in the mall. I immediately kept walking as I knew I shouldn’t go inside, since after all, the reason I’m here is to buy Christmas presents for others and not myself, right?

Then I started to have second thoughts.

What if they have a good sale? What if they have a new, limited edition holiday tea? What if they have a tea ware that would make a great gift for a friend (or myself)?

I came to the conclusion that I would regret it more if I didn’t go inside to at least check things out. And am I ever glad I did!

I was instantly greeted with a yummy sample of tea, the White Chocolate Peppermint tea by Teavana. I’m usually not a sucker for immediate in-store purchases after a free sample, but this tea was so good I just had to buy more. It was a minty winter wonderland that I knew I needed more of. Continue Reading